That One Thing Podcast
Have you ever felt fear but did it anyway? Have you ever gone with your gut? Have you ever felt stuck in your life or business? This is a podcast where I talk to female business owners about becoming unstuck and changing things for the better, because life's most beautiful moments come from the unpredictable. We’ve all had That One Thing.
I’m your host, Vanessa Carlos: Facebook Ads Specialist and Social Media Mentor to Female Founders. I've spent the last 9 years amplifying women's voices through marketing their small businesses and became fascinated with their business journey.
Every week I talk with a new (and sometimes returning!) female founder about that time they stepped out of their comfort zone, took a courageous leap and changed their business or life for the better, because real growth and beauty comes from what we can't predict.
The interviews are often vulnerable, sometimes hilarious, always valuable. Submit your 'One Things' to
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That One Thing Podcast
That One Thing Bitesized: How to test your Facebook Ads
One of the questions I get asked a lot in my Empowerment sessions and client calls is about testing your Facebook Ads - how and when to do it and for how long?
The answer is simple. With Facebook Ads the testing never stops and that’s a good thing! It keeps things interesting and means you’re always looking for little tweaks that you can make to help drive down your costs further and get more bang for your buck.
In this bitesized episode I'm sharing my simple strategy for testing during your campaign cycle and talk a little about the funnel process too - hint, it's a bit like going on a date!
Did you know I have a Newsletter? Sent out every other Friday it's chocca full of really useful stuff to do with Facebook Ads, there might even be some pod and telly recommendations too.
You can sign up here
Did you also know you can now buy me a coffee? As That One Thing is a true passion project these donations will really help to get my show made, thank you from the bottom of my heart! 💓
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Speaker A: Now, before I start today's fight science.
Speaker B: Episode, I just wanted to quickly talk to you about my new Facebook ads toolkit. So that's everything you need to run your Own successful Facebook Ads Campaign. It's a pretool Kit and it's on my website. All you need to do is is give me Your email address and I Will send you The Toolkit, as well as my Bi weekly new Newsletter with Loads and loads of tips and chat. So it's a bit Like The Podcast.
Speaker A: But in a newsletter form.
Speaker B: I'd love to see you there. And I really, really hope you enjoy The Toolkit. See you soon.
Speaker A: Hello.
Speaker C: Hello, and welcome to the one Thing, a podcast where I talk to fabulous females about the one thing that made them step out of their comfort zone and change their life for the better. Because it's Only By taking Brave Steps that we truly grow as a person. I'm your Host mum social Media Manager and General Soul Searcher vanessa Carlos And every week, I'll be introducing a small business owner, a blogger or a creative to discuss their one thing.
Speaker A: Hello, hello. Welcome back to that one thing. I'm doing a bite size episode today. Just me. I hope you enjoy it, because we're going to be talking about how to test your Facebook ads. Let's go. One of The Questions I get asked an Awful lot during any kind of discovery call I have, or during any of my empowerment sessions is, how Long should I test my ad for? And the answer is? Pretty simple, actually. With Facebook Ads, the testing never stops, okay? And that is a really, really good thing. It keeps things interesting, I think, if I'm honest with you. And it means you're always looking for little Tweaks that You Can make to drive Your costs down further and Get, at the end of the day, more bang for your Buck. But now I hear you ask. Vanessa. I hate testing. It's a total mine build, and I don't know where to start. Okay, you can be a Bit limited with how much testing you can do all at once if you don't have A Big, Juicy budget to work with. Okay, I know that's the elephant in the room, but it's true. And yeah, a Lot Of The People I Speak to, especially in today's climate, don't have A Massive Amount To test with and they Just Feel really nervous about testing with that amount of money when they're not actually, for the first few weeks at least, are not going to Get a Massive return on that investment. So I just want to give you some simple steps now. And hopefully, if you put these into practice, it will take a lot less time than it usually would. Now, there's literally 100 Ways You Can Test Your Ad, so it's really easy to kind of go down this rabbit hole. And My advice when you first start out is to keep it as simple as possible. Okay, so start by testing your creative on at least two ad sets using something called campaign budget optimization. It'll have that on there and that will really, really help you to get that test done as soon as you can. Ideally, you want to test two very different styles. So for instance, you would test a single image against a video or a brand image versus a selfie, or a single image versus a carousel, for example. Okay, let this run for around five days. That's going to give the algorithm enough time to get going and then they can compare the results. Okay, once you've identified a winner, and you will eventually do that after around five days, you can then start to test something else against the winner to see if you can drive down your results further. Okay, so that's the first tip. So now you've got your winning creative. Okay, you've got that set in stone. And you know what's really hitting well with the people that you want to bring in to your brand? You can start to test your headlines. Now at the moment, you can test up to five headlines of go in ads. And I find that super useful because what Facebook will do is that they'll send all of them out first and then they will focus in on the ones that are getting the most hits. And you'll be able to see that in your reports. Once you've nailed that headline, you could then start to test more audiences to see what effect that has. So you can bring in some slightly different audiences. I do find that if your audiences are too similar, then Facebook will want to combine them because Facebook really loves a nice big audience, so try to make them as different as you can. Now when you're testing your audiences, this is the time that you may need to up your budget ever so slightly. This is so you can push enough data through each ad set to learn something meaningful and make that data driven decision. That's the most important thing for your business once you start to get traction. The trick is to know how to scale without the results going all over the place. But that's another story for another podcast, and I will go more deeply into that at a later date. Okay, now I'm going to COVID just something quite brief here because I think I'm going to talk about it a little later. And it's about the ask. Sometimes when ads aren't working, it's because you've gone in with the ask too soon. It's like steaming in all guns blazing. With this ad campaign for an ask to someone that knows absolutely nothing about you, it's unlikely to be very well received, to be honest with you, leading to like a big virtual slap in the face and money down the train. Okay? So take it from me, who has seen many ad campaigns and learned from experience that it's a pretty miserable place to be. So knowing when to do that ask is not at the top of your audience funnel. It's much, much further down. Let's put it in like the story around a date, right? When you go on your first date with somebody, you don't know them at all, you don't know them from Adam. You're super nervous about who they are and the kind of person they'll be. But the more you talk to them and the more dates you go on with that person, that's when you know whether you want to take things any further. And it's exactly the same with ads. You need to warm up this person, introduce yourself, talk about your product, talk about your business, explain to them why you think it will really, really help them. And then further down the line, once they've seen you a few more times, they may be signed up to your mailing list or they followed you on Instagram and they've learnt a little bit more about your life further down. That funnel is when you give them a nice, warm audience ad. It's called, in marketing terms, where you're like, now, you know me well, you know a little bit about me and you know, I'm not a complete weirdo. How about you buy this product from me? So you're warming them up like a date. It's that it's that kind of vibe. So now you know a little bit about testing and a tiny little bit about funnels. I hope this has gone some way in helping you to create really successful ads for your campaign. If you want to know any more about ads and funnels and how they can help your business, I have a really, really useful newsletter that I bring out every other Friday and I always have something addy and funnely in there, as well as podcast recommendations, TV recommendations, blogs, all that kind of stuff. I'd love to see some of you podcast listeners on there. I'm going to put a little link in the show notes for you to join my email list. And, yeah, next week, big segue there. I know next week I'm going to be talking to the lovely L and we are talking about email lists, which is super, super important when it comes to having successful ads. It was a lovely, lovely conversation and I really hope you'll look forward to it. I will see you again very, very soon. Goodbye.
Speaker C: Thank you so much for listening to that one thing. And please don't forget to rate, review and subscribe. It really helps to get my little podcast into the universe and I'll be forever grateful.
Speaker A: Thank you.