That One Thing Podcast

That One Thing Bitesized: Why Meta Advantage + is awesome for first time advertisers

Vanessa Carlos Season 4 Episode 37

They've been a lot of questions about Meta Advantage + in my inbox this week, so I thought I would record an overview on Facebook's newest way to create ads and why I think it's great for first time users.In this episode I'll briefly run over what Advantage+ campaigns are, their benefits and drawbacks, and if they’re for you. (minus the jargon!)

My Free Ads Toolkit is now live on my website! It has everything you need to make a start on running successful Facebook Ads for yourself.
You can check it out here:

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Speaker A: Now, before I start today's bike size episode, I just wanted to quickly talk to you about my new Facebook ads toolkit. So that's everything you need to run your own successful Facebook ads campaign. It's a free toolkit and it's on my website. All you need to do is give me your email address and I will send you the toolkit as well as my bi weekly new newsletter with loads and loads of tips and chat. So it's a bit like the podcast, but in a newsletter form. I'd love to see you there and I really, really hope you enjoy the talk. See you soon. Hello, hello. Welcome back to that one thing, everybody. I am on my own in the house for the first time and I don't know how long, so I'm recording like a demon today. We're going to have at least three episodes downloaded. Believe me, it's going to happen. And today I have recorded for you a bitesize episode on new Advantage Plus Facebook ads. I've had lots of messages in my inbox this week and I've been chatting to kind of new clients all about this. They've seen it on their ads manager and they've kind of been a bit confused, not quite sure whether it's for them. So I thought I would record something pretty brief and jargonfree. So when you get onto ads manager and you look at it, you think, right, this is for me. So, yeah, enjoy. So what's? Advantage plus then Advantage Plus are Facebook ads that have been simplified. So it's a simplified model purely for conversion campaigns. So you've got to be thinking about these for your middle and your bottom funnel. So these are for all those lovely people that you have warmed up kind of higher up the food chain, if you see what I mean. So these are the people that almost know you and love you quite a bit. Now, when Facebook started rolling these out at the beginning of the year, I think it was around February time, not everybody had them and there was a big buzz about what it would mean for advertisers and what it would mean for ads managers like myself, because they are essentially an easier way to set up your campaign. You kind of let Facebook pretty much decide everything for you and they tailor the campaign, including all the settings on your behalf. So this is brilliant news then, isn't it, for people that are just starting out with their Facebook campaigns? I know, certainly whenever I've been training people that this is always the first place that they'll come across when they need to split everything up from campaign to ad set, to add creative, to add copy to all the different kind of CTAs, and it's just totally confusing. So what Facebook have done is that they've squashed everything into one stage. So that's perfect. Right, so now I'm going to talk about how to set one up, which is a tiny bit tricky when we're on a podcast because I can't really show you stuff, but let's charge ahead anyway. So I kind of talk about it like I'm actually setting it up myself. Let's go for it this way. So I'll open up Ads Manager and I'll click on the Create button as you usually would. And after selecting your objectives that you want, I saw that there was a prompt to choose between Manual or Advantage. So obviously let's go for advantage plus. Okay, now there is no need to set up an ad as you usually do, because it's all in one single tab, right? You'll find many options preset so you can find and set up super quickly. It also makes it really easy to follow, in my opinion. So if you are brand new to Facebook ads, it's a much easier workflow and you've got less options to cook up on. So now we've got into the ad itself. These are the things that I really love. First thing, you can choose up to five different primary texts to test and five different headlines to test all in one campaign. So that's awesome. Facebook will send out all those different headlines and copy and see which hit your people the best and see which work well for them when they're actually looking at the ad. You can also test and this hasn't been available before, multiple Call to Actions as well, so multiple Call to Action buttons. And you can test different images by getting Facebook to optimize for each person that views your ad. This is a big game changer for Facebook. So when I've been using these Advantage Plus campaigns for my clients, I have found that they are using the conversion tracking a lot more effectively than they used to. And it's much easier to put in those all important URL parameters, which is another great way to track, by the way. That seems a lot easier too. And what's really nice is before you get to press publish, before you had to kind of look and kind of make sure everything was running smoothly on like a few screens. Now it's all on a single screen, so it's much more efficient in that way as well. So it really is a lot more user friendly and you shouldn't really feel like you shouldn't feel nervous about doing ad to yourself if you had to. So thank you guys for listening. I really, really hope you found it helpful and made you a little less nervous about starting Facebook ads for your business and for your next campaign. If you just listened to this and you thought. Oh my god. Vanessa. I still don't understand what the heck you're talking about. Then please pop on to my website or have a little look on my Instagram and you can set up a chat with me and I offer quite a few options actually. For all kinds of different budgets where I can talk you through all aspects of Facebook ads and literally hold your hand all the way through it if you want me to. So, yes, please pop along to the website. I'd love to see you there. And, yes, I'll see you next week. Actually, I have another wonderful interview with a wonderful interviewee. Her name is Krati Mehra and she is a coach and we talk about female empowerment and she kind of goes into her life story and the hardships that she's faced is an adolescent and how she's overcome these. It's a really, really good episode and she's incredibly helpful and useful for a lot of female business owners and what they're feeling at the moment. So I hope you join me next week. I'll see you on the Gram. And yeah, goodbye for now.

Speaker B: Thank you so much for listening to that one thing. And please don't forget to rate, review and subscribe. It really helps to get my little podcast into the universe and I'll be forever grateful.

Speaker A: Thank you.

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